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Data Protection Policy

Data Protection Policy


When you visit our website, we collect data about you with the purpose of adjusting and improving the value of the ads, which are shown on this website. If you do not want us to collect data from you, you will need to delete your cookies and leave the website. Below you will find an elaboration of our data protection policy, which types of data that will be collected, the purpose of it, and information about which third-party, that will have access to them.


The website uses “cookies” means, that a text file will be saved on your computer, phone or the equivalent with the purpose of recognizing it, remember the settings, make statistics and target ads more specifically. Cookies cannot contain damaging code such as virus.

If you choose to delete or block cookies, the ads will be less relevant for you and appear more often. On top of that there is a risk, that the website wont function right, and there might be content, you cannot gain access to.

Personal data

In general

Personal data are all the data that in any way can lead to you. When you visit our website, we collect and process this data.  This happens when gaining access to content, if you sign up to our newsletter, take part in competitions or inquiries, register yourself as user or subscriber, when using other services or when you buy something via the website.

In most cases we collect and process these kinds of data: A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet, or cell phone, your IP-adress, geographical location, and the pages you visit (interests). To the extent you explicitly agree to and type in yourself, we also collect: Name, phone number, email adress, address, and payment details. This type of collection will most times happen when you create a login or buy something.


We have taken technical and organizational measures against your data being intentionally or illegally deleted, published, lost, deteriorated, ends up in unauthorized hands, misused or in any other way being processed illegally.


The data are used to identify you as a user and to show you the ads, that will most likely be relevant for you, register your purchases and payments, and deliver the services, you have asked for, such as receiving a newsletter. Also, we use the information to optimize our services and content.

Storage period

The data will be stored in the amount of time that is allowed according to the law, and we make sure to delete them, when they are no longer necessary. The storage period depends on the nature of the information and the purpose of storage. Therefore, it is not possible for us to give a general time span for when the information will be deleted.

Transfer of data

Data concerning your use of the website, the ads you are exposed to and potentially click on, geographical location, gender, age and so on is transferred to third parties to the extent that the information are known. You can see, which third parties this concerns in the section “cookies” above. The data is used to target advertising.

We also use third parties for storage and processing of data. The third parties only process the data on behalf of us and are not allowed to use them for their own purpose.

Transfer of data such as name and email adress will only happen if you agree to it. We only use data processors inside The EU or in countries, that can provide the sufficient protection of your data.

Insight and complaints

You have the right to know, which of your personal data we process. At any given time, you can object to the data being processed. It is also possible for you to withdraw your agreement to your data being processed. In case the data about you, that are being processed, are wrong, you have the right to correct them or for them to be deleted. If you wish to do so, please send an email to this address:


The website is owned and published by:

Alfast Udstansning af Tape ApS
Erhvervsparken Klank 21
DK-8664 Galten
Phone: +45 86109300
Email adress: